Balsamic Chicken over Lettuce
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Time Required: 20 (1 hour total)

This chicken can be eaten in a soup bowl with some of the delicious broth drizzled over it, or sliced and placed on top of greens with a dressing made from the sauce. Bell peppers and mushrooms cover the meat and infuse flavor while baking, but other favorite vegetables like cauliflower or squash could substitiute for some of the peppers.  If there are leftovers try Mushroom Burritos or the Sopasandwiches described at the bottom of Garlic Chicken and Green Beans. And don’t forget to watch the VIDEO!


4 boneless skinless split chicken breasts
3 bell pepper(s) -- any color, chopped 1" pieces
4 oz(s) chopped mushrooms -- or more
14 oz(s) diced tomatoes -- canned or fresh; drained
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
3 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp fresh rosemary -- chopped fine
1 tsp salt
1 tsp honey -- heaping
9 cup(s) lettuce leaves -- 1 1/2 c. per person
6 slice(s) whole wheat bread


Prep Work:  Chop bell peppers and drain tomatoes; store together.  Mix marinade together: vinegar, olive oil, rosemary, salt and honey.

1.  Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Chop bell peppers and mix in medium sized bowl with mushrooms, drained tomatoes, vinegar, olive oil, rosemary, salt and honey.

2.  Place chicken in a lightly greased 13x9 baking pan, cover with vegetable mixture, cover with foil and place in oven.

3.  Bake 50 min.  Check to see that chicken is no longer pink.  Let sit with loosened foil for 10 min. before cutting meat.

4.  Make dressing while chicken bakes:  (For yield of 6)  Combine 1 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar, 3 Tbsp. broth from chicken and 1/4 tsp. salt.  Slice chicken breasts thin on cutting board, top salad in bowl and drizzle dressing over top.  Sprinkle with feta, parmesan, or any shredded cheese and pepper to taste. 

5.  Serve with buttered, whole grain bread.